Peak Performance
Do you self-sabotage yourself? Do you really believe that you can reach your peak potential as an athlete if you have subconscious sabotage to success?
Different athletes have their own version of self-sabotage. We see examples of this all around us, even the ones at the top. Consider for example Tiger Woods.
This is true for any other area of life other than athletic performance. We see this for example in corporate managers and sales persons who subconsciously stand in their own way to advance up the corporate ladder or to make better sales commissions.
We see it in students who sabotage their grades, essays, thesis and other academic achievement. We even see it in relationships—chasing the wrong dating partners over and over again.
When I work with athletes who feel stuck in certain levels of performance, before I address any other factor that hinders their success, I check for underlying subconscious sabotage to find if they are standing in their own way to peak performance. I do it by interviewing their body. Because the sabotage is subconscious, only rarely if ever the person is aware of the enemy inside.
The body is an ever present, a 100 percent accurate polygraph when it comes to things subconscious. This is because the body has access to all information, conscious and unconscious. So, in order to get to the subconscious I use Energy Muscle Testing.
Anything that is true, positive, and free of conflicts will strengthen all muscles, whereas everything that not true, that is negative or has something to do with an inner conflict, will weaken all muscles.
This is true regardless of the person’s muscle strength. I worked with muscle builders and weight lifters who can easily lift 200 pounds or more. When they said something negative about themselves, they could not resist me when I tried to open up their finger circle no matter how hard they tried. This test has nothing to do with muscle strength. It has to do with energy flow in the body. That is why it is called Energy Muscle Testing (EMT).
So, it is simple enough to check whether or not you are at your peak potential. You first have to calibrate checking muscle strength with known true and false statements like your true and fake name. Then you have to state: “I am functioning at my peak potential” and have a partner trying to separate your fingers apart, breaking the circle you make by putting your thumb and ring finger together.
If the muscle is strong you are good. Yet, 99 percent of the athletes I checked had a weak muscle to that statement as well as a weak muscle to the statement “I want to perform at my peak potential.” This is a clear indication of the presence of subconscious self sabotage to athletic performance. Now the task is to find out where exactly the sabotage is coming from and then to remove it.
Common forms of self sabotage to peak performance are:
(1) “I don’t deserve to reach my peak performance;”
(2) “Others do not deserve that I reach my peak potential;” If the muscle is weak, we need to check which “others” we are dealing with internally: father, mother, brother, coach, etc.;
(3) “It is safe for me to achieve my peak potential.” In my practice, I found out that about 70 percent of the cases fall under this last category. Athletes are subconsciously afraid of a variety of things: They are afraid to be at the center of attention, to have even higher expectations of themselves that they won’t be able to fulfill.
Athletes subconsciously fear they’ll end up falling from glory and when they are at the top the fall is going to be more painful.
They are afraid they’ll end up having no personal life as they’ll be expected to train endless hours. They are afraid being at the top would affect their friendships, relationships, and their family life.
When we come to address the issue of not deserving to perform at their peak potential, we usually find subconscious feelings of guilt or shame or feeling that they are not good enough. A lot of times these feelings are related to an early life trauma. I found out that frequently the trauma was a relatively minor one that sometimes was long forgotten. For example, being humiliated, shamed, or put down by a parent, teacher, coach or teammates for some minor failure.
Once we find the subconscious reason that blocks the way to peak performance, it is just a short step by using the Sabotage Correction Technique (SCT) to easily and quickly remove the sabotage.
We know we removed the sabotage when the muscle that was weak before became strong when checking with the same statement.
Yet, the ultimate proof is in the field when the athlete is able to have a breakthrough in their performance. The proof is always in the pudding, and it is indeed sweet.