How to Fix Bad Karma – Why Bad Things Happen to Good People
I wanted to expand a little on my previous post How to Repair Bad Karma: Why bad things are happening to people? Everything that happens to us is the result of us attracting it. Of course, we are not consciously attracting bad things to us. Yet, apparently something within us does. You probably heard about the concept of “self-fulfilling prophecy.” When you feel that you are not worthy of love, you will attract to you people who are...
The Law of Attraction and Karma
Rhonda Byrne’s book and movie, The Secret, sold 21 million copies. It served an important mission: It popularized the Law of Attraction and emphasized the importance of Positive Thinking. It also focused on feeling gratitude, as if you already received what you focused on. It introduced the power of visualization and “dream boards.” The bottom line is that you can have whatever you want if you can imagine it with feelings. All...
How to Make the Law of Attraction Work for You?
A lot of my patients ask me how to be a success. They do everything by the book, say the perfect affirmations, think positively, and do dream boards as suggested in the book “The Secret”. Yet they are not successful in making the Law of Attraction work for them. What is going on? We are indeed electromagnets and we attract to us people and experiences that vibrate at the same wave-length. Except at least 95% of what we radiate is what...